Sexual abuse is considered any action in which a person coerces or pressures someone else to do something sexually against their will. It can involve an act in which one party controls a sexual activity with another or the circumstances in which it occurs.
A Kansas City personal injury lawyer is empathetic and compassionate to sexual abuse victims and understands how difficult it can be to hold perpetrators accountable.
They support victims and help them take legal action against those who wronged them. In doing so, they empower these individuals to seek justice and compensation for the harm they have suffered.
What Is Sexual Abuse?
This refers to sexual activity that occurs without a party’s consent. A perpetrator can use threats, manipulation, or force to abuse a victim sexually. Their actions can lead to criminal charges and impact the victim physically, emotionally, and psychologically.
Sexual abuse victims may choose to suffer the consequences of their perpetrators’ actions in silence. For these victims, the trauma that they have experienced can hurt them for the rest of their lives.
If you are a victim of sexual abuse, you do not have to face anyone who harmed you by yourself. A Kansas City personal injury lawyer offers legal representation and advocacy to sexual abuse victims. They can pursue justice on your behalf and guide you through the personal injury claims process in Missouri.

What Is Considered Sexual Abuse in Missouri?
Sexual abuse is defined in accordance with the Revised Statutes of Missouri, Section 566.100. The crime is treated as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on its severity. Sex abuse punishments can include a prison sentence and fines.
Consult with a personal injury attorney if you have concerns or questions about what is considered to be sexual abuse in Missouri. Your lawyer listens to you and describes your legal options as you decide what to do from here.
Your lawyer can explain what you need to know about damages in personal injury cases. They can file a civil lawsuit for you against a perpetrator who sexually abused you. It can be challenging to proceed with this option, but doing so could benefit you long into the future.
Contact our Kansas city personal injury lawyers now.

Reasons to Consider a Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
Your sexual abuse lawsuit can bring attention to a perpetrator and the harm they have caused. If your lawsuit is successful, the perpetrator could compensate you for your pain and suffering, medical bills, and other non-economic and economic damages. Your case could inspire other sex abuse victims to come forward and sue the people who hurt them.
A lawsuit can bring closure to an emotionally taxing chapter of your life. It allows you to share your sex abuse experiences with a judge or jury. This could provide you with the satisfaction that comes with knowing the court has heard you and is choosing to validate the severity of the abuse you have endured by awarding damages.
In addition to these things, your lawyer makes sure you are never alone during your legal proceedings. Your attorney establishes a foundation of trust with you. They remain accessible to help you throughout the legal process.

Factors to Consider With a Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
Learn about the legal process and choose a Missouri personal injury lawyer who protects your rights and best interests. This process can be overwhelming. Your attorney can offer legal advice and help you make informed decisions at each stage.
If you are uncomfortable disclosing your identity in your lawsuit, you could keep your name private. Your lawyer can ask the court to let you file your lawsuit anonymously. The court is generally inclined to grant this request unless there is reason to believe that doing so could be prejudicial to the defendant.
Give yourself grace and prioritize your health, well-being, and safety as your case moves forward. It can be beneficial to seek professional counseling at this time. You should also take care of yourself and spend time with people you enjoy.
What to Do if You Receive a Sexual Abuse Case Settlement Offer
As you and your lawyer consider what sexual abuse is and how to argue your case, the defendant could propose a settlement. Your lawyer can provide insights into when to accept a personal injury settlement and what will happen if you approve an offer.
Accepting a settlement means you are satisfied with the compensation the defendant offers and that your case will not go to trial. You do not have to approve a settlement. If you decline an offer, you maintain the right to bring your case to trial.
A sexual abuse victim may look beyond the compensation they could recover with a settlement and take their lawsuit to trial. If you want a sex abuse case trial, your lawyer supports you every step of the way.
The Bottom Line on What Is Considered Sex Abuse
You are unsure about what is considered as sexual abuse and if you have grounds for legal action against someone who harmed you. Meet with a Kansas City personal injury attorney. You can get information about what would be considered sexual abuse, find out if you are eligible to sue, and, if so, decide whether to submit a civil claim.
Foster Wallace has obtained more than $1 billion in compensation for our clients. We are here to help if you are thinking about suing a perpetrator responsible for sexual abuse or are ready to do so. Schedule a case consultation with us.