car accident

Our Kansas City Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You Protect Your Rights After a Parking Lot Accident

Parking lots are an essential part of our daily lives, providing convenient access to shopping centers, supermarkets, offices, and other destinations. However, these areas are home to a significant number of motor vehicle accidents each year. If you’ve recently been injured in a parking lot accident caused by a negligent driver, our Kansas City personal injury lawyers can help you determine your next steps. 

Types of Parking Lot Accidents

Parking lot accidents can happen in several different ways. Understanding the circumstances that led to your accident is the first step to seeking fair compensation.

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collisions

Two drivers may be vying for the same parking space. Tight corners in tightly-packed parking lots can be difficult to maneuver, especially with larger vehicles. Even at lower speeds, these car collisions can cause significant damage. 

Pedestrian Accidents

A vehicle hitting a person on foot is perhaps the most dangerous type of parking lot accident. Drivers may be anxious to find a parking spot or to exit the lot, failing to notice a pedestrian crossing their path. Pedestrian accidents can result in severe injuries and even death. Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to these accidents.

Backing-Up Incidents

Drivers may back out of a parking spot without adequately checking for other cars or pedestrians. Many accidents happen when drivers are reversing out of parking spaces, because other vehicles or pedestrians may be in a blind spot or drivers may reverse out of spots too quickly.

T-Bone Crashes at Intersections

In parking lots with multiple rows of parking, there are often intersections where vehicles must yield to one another. These intersections are often uncontrolled and the ambiguity of the situation can result in side-impact collisions. 

Shopping Cart Damage

Runaway shopping carts can cause significant property damage and serious injury. Someone unloading their purchases into their trunk may not notice when their shopping cart rolls away. Shopping carts that have not been properly returned to corrals can roll into traffic or pedestrians. A driver may swerve to avoid the cart, causing an even more serious accident. 

Distracted Driving

Many drivers may let their guard down in parking lots, assuming the slower speeds make it safe to engage in distracting activities like setting directions in their car’s GPS navigation system. They may not notice other vehicles or pedestrians, leading to unfortunate collisions and injuries. 

Poor Visibility

Large vehicles, tight corners, and poorly designed parking lots can create blind spots. Drivers may have a hard time spotting other cars and pedestrians, increasing the risk of accidents.


Despite posted speed limits, some drivers may race to secure spots or exit parking lots quickly. Excessive speed significantly increases the chances of a collision.

Injuries From Low-Speed Parking Lot Crashes

Just because parking lot accidents usually occur at low speeds, that doesn’t mean you are not at risk of suffering significant harm.

Whiplash Injuries

Your head and neck may jerk violently with the sudden stop or impact in a collision. Whiplash can lead to long-term neck and back problems. 

Soft Tissue Damage

Minor collisions, both in a vehicle and as a pedestrian, can cause your muscles, tendons, and ligaments to strain or tear. Left untreated, soft tissue damage can cause chronic pain and long-term mobility issues. 

Concussions and Other Brain Injuries

As a pedestrian struck by a car, you may hit your head on the pavement as you land on the ground. This can lead to concussions or other traumatic brain injuries with serious long-term consequences that require long-term medical care or affect your ability to continue working. 

Broken Bones

Pedestrians hit in parking lots are especially vulnerable to partial and complete bone fractures. You may suffer broken bones from the impact with the vehicle or from hitting the ground after impact. 

Emotional Trauma

Along with physical injuries, victims may also suffer lasting psychological effects from the shock and stress of a traumatic incident. They may endure heightened anxiety, fight bouts of depression, or deal with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These emotional injuries can be just as debilitating as physical ones.

Vulnerable Groups at Higher Risk of Injury

Everyone who uses a parking lot, both behind the wheel and on foot, is at some risk of harm. But, certain groups of people are particularly vulnerable to severe injuries. 


People on foot do not have the same level of protection as people safely secured in their vehicles. They may also be less visible compared to the larger size of a car or truck. As a result, pedestrians are at much higher risk of severe injuries if they are hit by vehicles in a parking lot. 


Kids are especially vulnerable for a number of reasons. Young children can be more unpredictable in their movements and may not recognize the dangers around them. Their small size also makes them harder for drivers to spot. 

If they dart out unexpectedly between parked cars, they risk getting hurt. Even with the most vigilant parents and caretakers, everything can change in the blink of an eye.


Older adults may have mobility issues, slower reflexes, or impaired vision. They may not be able to react to potential hazards as quickly, which can also make it more challenging for them to navigate parking lots safely. Their advanced age may also leave them more vulnerable to broken bones and other injuries. 

Distracted Shoppers

Distracted shoppers may be preoccupied with their purchases, double-checking receipts, or using their phones to decide on their next location. Parents may also be busy trying to wrangle their children, making them less aware of their surroundings. 

Steps to Take After a Kansas City Parking Lot Accident

It's important to protect yourself legally and medically after a parking lot accident in Kansas City. Be sure to follow these key steps to the best of your ability.

  1. Ensure the safety of everyone involved. Check for injuries and move to a safe area if possible. If anyone is seriously hurt, call 911 immediately. Employees may be able to help you secure the area.
  2. Call the police to report the incident. An official police report can be crucial for insurance claims and any potential legal action.
  3. Document everything and collect evidence. Take photos of the accident scene, including vehicle damage, the parking lot layout, relevant signage, and any visible injuries. 
  4. Gather contact information. Exchange car insurance information with other involved parties and collect the names and phone numbers of any witnesses.
  5. Seek medical attention. Some injuries, particularly soft tissue damage or head injuries, may not be immediately apparent. It's always best to get checked out by a medical professional as soon after an accident as possible.
  6. Notify your insurance company. Report the incident to your insurance provider. Be honest and thorough in your account, but stick to the facts. Avoid admitting fault or speculating about the cause of the accident.
  7. Speak to a Kansas City car accident lawyer. Even if the accident seems minor, it's wise to speak with a personal injury attorney. Your lawyer can help you understand your rights and options, and ensure you don't inadvertently damage your case.

Why You Need a Kansas City Personal Injury Lawyer

After a parking lot accident, you might be tempted to handle things on your own. However, there are several reasons why it’s smart to discuss your case with a Kansas City personal injury lawyer.

Liability Issues

Multiple parties may share responsibility, including other drivers and pedestrians. Even the property owner may be to blame if poor lot design or maintenance contributed to the accident. A skilled attorney can help untangle these liability issues.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

Insurance adjusters are motivated to minimize payouts. They may try to downplay your injuries or pressure you into accepting a low settlement. We can negotiate on your behalf.

Maximizing Compensation

Our personal injury attorneys can help you identify all potential sources of compensation. In addition to immediate medical bills, this might also include future medical costs, lost wages, reduced future earning capacity, and pain and suffering

When a young lady was struck by a driver in the parking lot of an Overland Park hardware store, the insurance company only offered $62,000. Foster Wallace engaged two expert witnesses who testified about her future treatment needs. After mediation, the case settled for $237,500. Our client was delighted with the result of her case. 

Understanding Missouri Accident Laws

Missouri has specific laws governing accident claims, including statutes of limitations and comparative fault rules. Our attorneys can explain how these laws apply to your case.